The name of this Society shall be SouthWest Imaging Council, hereafter referred to as SWIC.
Section 1 PURPOSE
The mission of SWIC is to promote and advance the sciences of medical imaging to include medical radiography, nuclear medicine, medical ultrasound, CT, MRI, all other related disciplines, and also to promote excellence in patient care, maintain high standards in education, and to improve the professional standing of all individuals interested in these fields.
Section 2-GOALS
A - To provide continuing education experiences to those interested in the field.
B - To publish and disseminate pertinent information about SWIC and the field as a whole.
C - To communicate the needs of members to state and national organizations, both professional and government.
D - To promote medical imaging specialties.
Section 1
The membership of SWIC shall consist of active members, inactive members, student members, life members, honorary members, and supporting members. Emeritus, life, and honorary members shall not be required to pay dues.
Section 2
Active members shall be those technologists who are currently certified by and in good standing with the ARRT, RDMS, and/or in good standing with the Texas Department of Health as a Medical Radiologic Technologist, and who are current in their dues to SWIC.
Section 3
Inactive members shall be those persons who are interested in promoting the purposes and functions of SWIC, but who are not eligible for active or student membership. They shall have all the privileges and obligations of active members except the right to vote and hold office.
Section 4
`Student members are students in any medical imaging program. Student members have the same privileges, as active members except they cannot hold the office of President or President-elect.
Section 5
Life members shall be active members who have rendered unusual service to SWIC. Life members shall be selected by a majority vote at a regular meeting, upon a unanimous recommendation of the Board of Directors. They shall pay no dues and have all other privileges and obligations of active members.
Section 6
Honorary members shall be those persons who, because of their interest in the fields, SWIC wishes to honor. Honorary members shall be chosen by a majority vote at a regular meeting of SWIC. They shall pay no dues and have all rights and privileges except the right to vote and hold office.
Section 7
Supporting members shall be those persons who are interested in SWIC and who are not eligible for active or student membership. They shall have all membership rights and responsibilities except to vote and hold office.
Section 8
No member who is in arrears for dues shall vote or hold office or shall be entitled to receive reports of the transactions of SWIC. A ninety-day "grace" period will be allowed before a name is removed from the rolls. Any member dropped from the rolls for non-payment must reapply for membership.
Section 1
The annual dues for active and supporting members shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) per year. Student members will pay twenty-five percent (25%) of active membership dues. Inactive, life, and honorary members pay no dues.
Section 2
Dues shall not be increased except by majority vote at a regular meeting of SWIC.
All business of SWIC in regards to appropriation of funds, membership, and other important matters must be approved by a majority vote of members present (providing a quorum exists at a regular meeting). The Board and Officers will report on disbursements of funds on a monthly basis.
Section 1
All Officers must be active members of SWIC. Additionally, the President and one other Officer must be members of TSRT.
Section 2
Officers of SWIC shall be President, President-elect, Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer, and such additional Officers as needed by recommendation of the Board and Officers. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer can be combined into one office if necessary.
Section 3
A majority ballot at a regular meeting shall elect Officers of SWIC.
Section 4
Officers shall serve for a term of one year or until their successors have been appointed. An Officer shall not serve an office more than two years consecutively but may hold a different office. All Officers shall surrender to their successors all records and properties belonging to the SWIC. All Officers may be reelected.
Section 5
A nominating committee shall present a slate of nominees for office at a regular meeting two months before elections. Nominations may also be taken from the floor at that meeting.
Section 6
The newly elected Officers shall be installed into office under the direction of the Board of Directors during the month of January each year.
Section 1
The PRESIDENT will preside at all meetings for SWIC. He/she shall be an exofficio member of all committees except nominating. He/she shall appoint committees unless otherwise stated in the by-laws and shall, with board and Officers’ approval, appoint persons to vacated office or Board positions. He/she will be the official representative at state meeting(s).
Section 2
The President-elect shall acquaint himself/herself with the duties of the president. He/she shall serve as educator program chair.
Section 3
The Vice-President shall assume duties of the President in his/her absence and shall serve as educational program chair.
Section 4
The Secretary shall keep all minutes.
Section 5
The Treasurer shall receive and keep records of all funds and disperse funds only upon order of the Board of Directors. He/she shall make a report at each regular meeting on the current financial status of SWIC.
Section 1
The Board of Directors shall be composed of, but not limited to, three members including the President and two past Presidents. The senior Board member shall serve as Board chair. A ballot of the voting members of SWIC may establish additional Directors. Such Directors shall serve for a period of one year and not succeed to the chair. Vacancies shall be filled in accordance with CHAPER VII,
Section 2
The responsibility of the Board of Directors is to control all funds and/or properties of SWIC.
Section 1
SWIC shall hold at least four (4) meetings a year.
Section 2
Special meetings may be called at such time and place as may be designated by the Board of Directors. Members shall be notified by mail ten (10) days in advance with notification of what business is expected to transpire.
Section 1
The Board of Directors shall establish committees as deemed necessary to aid SWIC in carrying on its activities. Such committees may be altered or eliminated at any time by the Board.
Section 2
The President shall appoint the members of committees unless in conflict with other sections of the By-laws.
Section 1
Vacancies in committees shall be filled by appointment by the President or left vacant until the next election.
Section 2
Vacancy in the Board of Directors shall be filled as prescribed in CHAPTER VII, SECTION 1.
Section 3
The Vice-president of education shall fill vacancy in the Presidency. Vacancy in the President-elect position shall remain until the next election, at which time a President shall be elected by the membership.
Section 1
A quorum for any meeting shall be established by not less than 25 percent (25%) of the current active members registered at the meeting, to include not less than two (2) Officers.
Section 1
The rules contained in ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER shall govern SWIC in all applicable cases and in which they are consistence with these By-laws.
Section 2
The Order of Business shall consist of an agenda prepared by the President and available for each meeting when appropriate.
Section 1
Amendments to the By-laws may be made by a two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote at a regular meeting. Notice of such vote on amendments must be sent to the membership by mail thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting.
Section 2
Motion to amend the by-laws must be submitted in writing to the Board of Director’s chair and approved by the Board before presentation to the membership.
Section 1
In the event of dissolution or final liquidation of SWIC, all of its assets remaining shall be distributed to and among such foundations or other organizations organized for scientific or educational purposes, consistent with those of SWIC as shall be designated by the Board of Directors.
Every officer, director, employee or representative of SWIC shall be indemnified by SWIC against all expenses and liabilities, including attorney’s fees, in connection with threatened, pending or completed proceeding in which he is involved by reason of his being of having been an Officer, Director, Employee or representative of SWIC if he acted in good faith and within the scope of his authority and in a manner reasonably believed to be not opposed to the best interests of SWIC. In no event shall indemnification be paid to or on behalf of any above-named individual going beyond or acting beyond the powers granted by authority of this organization or bylaw. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to, and not exclusive of all other rights to which such Officer, Director, Employee, or Representative may be entitled.